Thinking every day and facing without answers questions make me fully happy in Pharmaceutical Research
My background in biology and ecology enables me to talk easily with scientists
It helps me as well to popularize statistical concepts and understand the biologists state of mind
Preclinical Biostatistician
7+ years
Clinical Biostatistician
2+ years
Ecological Biostatistician
1+ years
Advanced R user
Passion for Science
6 scientific papers co-author
Master degree in Biostatistics (Msc)
Maîtrise in Ecology
Previously the position was a non-permanent junior contract divided between clinical (First In Human (FIH) studies) and Research. My profile motivated the Research to create a permanent contract
Due to the large number of preclinical studies and lack of a permanent biostatistician, most of the studies were analysed (statistically) by scientists (PRISM, ArrayStudio). Training, workflows, dedicated apps and statistical popularization improved the relevance of the analyses
Dedicated apps for routine studies were produced (tcltk, Shiny, R) in order to speed up the analyses and homogenize the methodology among Research teams
Use of my ecological background in the skin microbiome studies
Research Dpt key resource
Apps for routine studies
Statistic popularization
Statistic analysis of the preclinical studies (design, protocol, sample size estimation, statistical analyses, study report)
Studies from ‘target to hit’ to ‘phase IV’, most of them was ‘lead optimization’
Identification, creation and challenging of new normalization and analysis statistical method
Work with different data formats: physical parameters (TEWL, weight), Immunohistochemistry (epidermis thickness, number of cells), lipidomic (MSMS), proteomic (Elisa, MS), transcriptomic (Arrays, Sequencing)…
During these 18 months divided into Clinic and Research, I learned the pharmaceutical world from target to hit to FIH studies
In clinic I was able to learn ICH rules and SDTM and ADaM format for databases, and improve my SAS skills
In Research I partly found the University Research spirit where the questions do not yet have answers but hypotheses that is necessary to confirm by studies and data analyses. I found the professional way that suits me
Position divided between clinical (FIH studies) and Research (before the phase IIa), one week each
Clinic: Kick off meeting, Protocol review, Statistical Analysis Plan, Data review, SAS programming, statistical analyses and their interpretation and presentation to the Project Manager, Clinical Study Report
Research: Statistical support for all Research teams, statistical analyses and their interpretation and presentation, training and statistical popularization
Msc: 2011
This Master concludes to an end-of-study internship in modelisation of suitable habitat for freshwater French fishes
This last year of school, more specialized than the previous, focused on data analyses by multiple approaches like modelisation (statistic, time-series…), machine learning, neural networks, random forest, support vector machine, self organizing maps, classification and regression trees…), Bayesian estimates, Markov decision process
Modelisation and numerical analysis (60h)
Geostatistic and time-series (60h)
Estimation, Optimization and machine learning (60h)
Design of experiments and data analysis (60h)
General knowledge and business knowledge (60h)
Msc (ranked as ‘good’) – 2011
Maîtrise: 2010
The Maîtrise in Ecology taught different topics that allowed me to precise my professional orientation: biostatistical analysis of alive phenomena by data analysis (by R)
Multivariate analyses of ecological data (60h)
Data analysis and interpretation of data in Ecology (60h)
Land use planning and Geographical Information System (60h)
Ecosystem functioning (48h)
Genetics and population dynamics (60h)
Evolutionary ecology (60h)
Diversity and structural terrestrial communities (60h)
English (30h)
Maîtrise ‘Ecology’ – 2010
Licence: 2009
The third year of Licence, more specialized, increase my interest for Ecology and its analysis by the biostatistics
Ecology and quantitative biology (60h)
Plant systematic (60h)
Floristic (60h)
Reproduction biology of plants (36h)
Biology and phylogeny of algae (60h)
Mycology (60h)
Insect societies (36h)
Evolutionary ecology and Genetics (60h)
Classification and identification of metazoans (60h)
English (60h)
Licence BOPE – 2009
DEUG: 2007
Biology overview
Data analysis in biology (40h)
Ecology (36h)
Plant Biology and Physiology (60h)
Reproductive physiology of the flowering plants (24h)
Biochemistry of natural molecules (30h)
Symbiosis and parasitism in plants (36h)
Introduction to the experimental method in Biology (20h)
Genetics (30h)
Cellular biology (30h)
Microbiology (30h)
Molecular biology (30h)
Development biology (30h)
Animal biology (36h)
Animal physiology (30h)
Geology (60h)
English (60h)
DEUG Biology – 2007
Bachelor’s degree: 2005
Scientific specialty
Bachelor’s degree – 2005
Rugby (8 years)
Tennis (7 years)
*CV (html and PDF) scripted using R, Rstudio, rmarkdown, html, css
Inferential (Student, GLM…)
Descriptive (Plots)
Factorial (PCA, RF…)
Bayesian (Simulations)
R (base, fct, package)
LaTeX, Rmarkdown
Genedata, ArraySuite, PRISM
html, CSS, Unix, MS-DOS
Msc: 2011
This Master concludes to an end-of-study internship in modelisation of suitable habitat for freshwater French fishes
This last year of school, more specialized than the previous, focused on data analyses by multiple approaches like modelisation (statistic, time-series…), machine learning, neural networks, random forest, support vector machine, self organizing maps, classification and regression trees…), Bayesian estimates, Markov decision process
Modelisation and numerical analysis (60h)
Geostatistic and time-series (60h)
Estimation, Optimization and machine learning (60h)
Design of experiments and data analysis (60h)
General knowledge and business knowledge (60h)
Msc (ranked as ‘good’) – 2011
Maîtrise: 2010
The Maîtrise in Ecology taught different topics that allowed me to precise my professional orientation: biostatistical analysis of alive phenomena by data analysis (by R)
Multivariate analyses of ecological data (60h)
Data analysis and interpretation of data in Ecology (60h)
Land use planning and Geographical Information System (60h)
Ecosystem functioning (48h)
Genetics and population dynamics (60h)
Evolutionary ecology (60h)
Diversity and structural terrestrial communities (60h)
English (30h)
Maîtrise ‘Ecology’ – 2010
Licence: 2009
The third year of Licence, more specialized, increase my interest for Ecology and its analysis by the biostatistics
Ecology and quantitative biology (60h)
Plant systematic (60h)
Floristic (60h)
Reproduction biology of plants (36h)
Biology and phylogeny of algae (60h)
Mycology (60h)
Insect societies (36h)
Evolutionary ecology and Genetics (60h)
Classification and identification of metazoans (60h)
English (60h)
Licence BOPE – 2009
DEUG: 2007
Biology overview
Data analysis in biology (40h)
Ecology (36h)
Plant Biology and Physiology (60h)
Reproductive physiology of the flowering plants (24h)
Biochemistry of natural molecules (30h)
Symbiosis and parasitism in plants (36h)
Introduction to the experimental method in Biology (20h)
Thanks to this experience, I was able to train myself deeper to LaTeX language. I produced scripts (R and LaTeX) allowing the production of a lot of pdf files sharing the same format but differing for the texts, pictures, plots, tables. The different information were written into Excel by scientists, and automatically included in the pdf files
Securities hard coded into dedicated apps to deny non-respect of statistical prerequisite
Example of studies :
Spatial localisation of different bird species by kriging (reading and writing shape files by R)
Does river engineering improve aquatic fauna crossing? (BACI protocol)
Modelisation of French Naiad suitable habitat by Species Distribution Model (SDM) based on presence-only data to identify uncolonized suitable areas, for conservation purpose (co-author of a scientific paper)
Statistical analyses of different projects (highway, high speed line, bat death due to wind turbine…)
Environmental impact assessments and tenders specs writing
Dedicated app for project manager (R, tcltk, LaTeX)
Automatic reporting in PDF (R, LaTeX) for many projects
Questionnaire analysis by frequency tables, cross tabulation and Chi2 inferential test.
Microsoft Access database read by R (package RODBC)
Creation, update, formatting (colors, column width) of many Excel files by R (package xlsx)
Production of a dedicated app allowing user to analyze the questionnaire data in 2 minutes (before: one full month by hand)
2008-08 — 2010-09 (2 years 2 months – part-time work during University)
Modelisation of the suitable habitat of 38 freshwater fishes for actual climate, and with seven climate change hypotheses for 2070
Explore 2070 was a French project from the French ministry of Ecology
The current and future suitable habitat projections were used to estimate the vulnerability of the most common French freshwater fish species under climate change hypotheses
Master’s degree ranked as ‘good’.
Analysis of the impacts of the thermal discharges from the Golfech (82400, France) nuclear generating station to the freshwater fish community (biodiversity indexes, CA, CCA, RF, CART, Mann-Whitney)
Design of Experiments for death driving (Minitab)
Time series analysis of the fish larvae in the Pearl River (China) taking into account the hydroelectric dam (Scilab)
Time series analysis of the solar activity and the Antarctica temperature (Scilab)
Characterization of the French freshwater fish community and modelisation of the presence and abundance of the trout (GLM)
Analysis of the relation between a global index of vulnerability and the ratio brain weight/body weight for 62 mammal species